Getting Dolled Up with Antonio Mitchell

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like Can Can has struck gold again. We’re thrilled to announce a dazzling new addition to our cast, and it’s none other than Antonio Mitchell.

Antonio Mitchell, welcome to Can Can!

Making his debut in our latest spectacle, Dolly!, Antonio brings a fresh burst of energy and talent to our stage. In between rehearsals and costume fittings, Mitchell took a moment to share his journey, from his roots in musical theater to finding a new home at Can Can. He’s ready to captivate audiences with his charm and talent, promising a show-stopping performance that you won’t want to miss.

Read on to discover more about Antonio Mitchell’s preparation for Dolly! and his eagerness to enchant audiences with every performance.

THECANCAN.COM: Antonio, first things first. WELCOME! We’re so excited to have you. Let’s dive right in! How did you find yourself in the glamorous world of cabaret and burlesque?
Antonio Mitchell: Yes, absolutely. I originally lived in Birmingham, Alabama, where I went to undergrad and earned my BFA in musical theatre around 2019.

After that, I moved to Seattle for graduate school at the University of Washington, where I got my MFA in acting. That's what brought me to Seattle in the first place. 

Later on, I found myself in the Can Can world through a friend I worked with on a project. I kept it in mind and mentioned it to a few people who encouraged me to audition. However, I was busy working in the Seattle theatre scene, so finding time to audition was rare.

 Eventually, I got a break from theatre work, managed to audition, and was offered a contract. And here we are!

THECANCAN.COM: Did you always know you wanted to perform? When was that “A-ha!” moment for you?
Antonio Mitchell: You know, it just kind of happened. My first real play wasn't until eighth grade, although I had done smaller church productions before that. It was Guys and Dolls, and I had a blast. From then on, I never really stopped. I continued through high school and into college. I found that I genuinely enjoyed it. Originally, I went to school intending to major in music education, but that only lasted about three weeks. I ended up switching to theatre, and the rest is history.

THECANCAN.COM: With the opening day of a brand new Can Can show right around the corner, I'd love to how working with Can Can stood out among other shows you’ve done?
Antonio Mitchell: One big standout that I absolutely love is the space itself. It's such a unique space, and getting to play on that stage is incredible. I remember the first time I saw a production at Can Can. The first thing I noticed was how fun the stage looked to perform on. The unique layout of the stage is a fun departure from the traditional proscenium.

Another standout is the location in Pike Place. Many people don't know this, but the theatre's curtains open up to a beautiful view of the water and the public market sign on a nice, not-too-gloomy day. That view is fantastic and adds something very special and specific to working at Can Can.

THECANCAN.COM: Let's talk DOLLY! How would you describe this summer showstopper and your role as Benny?
Antonio Mitchell: I would describe this as a rainbow-filled journey toward self-love. That's the broad overview. It's a show you'll definitely walk away from remembering that you are in control of your destiny. It's very self-empowering, to say the least.

As for Benny, I would describe him as a Southern goofball with some charm who finds his fire. He's a character with a lot of heart, and his journey is both humorous and touching. That's the best way I can describe Benny.

THECANCAN.COM: Do you have a favorite scene or performance our audience should be looking out for?
Antonio Mitchell: Honestly, it's a cliché answer, but the whole show is going to be fantastic. However, the finale is truly a highlight. It's just an incredible moment. So, I'll go ahead and say that the end of the show is going to be delightful. Just buckle up for that.

THECANCAN.COM: What do you hope the audience takes away from this production of Dolly?
Antonio Mitchell: The biggest thing that I hope that they take away is that, yes, you can seek out happiness in others... but it's a lot easier to find it in yourself first. 

Dolly! is now showing through September 1st.


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